
Out of Hours
Emergency cover is provided by Southern Area Urgent Care Services (SAUCS). They can be contacted by telephoning 02838399201 You will be answered by a Receptionist who will take your details ie name, address, telephone number etc.

GP out of hours website

Emergency Care Summary Record

The Emergency Care Summary Record is being introduced to GP Out of Hours Services, Emergency Departments and Hospital Pharmacies across Northern Ireland.

This information will be known as your Emergency Care Summary record and will help to improve the care and treatment that you will receive. The Emergency Care Summary record only includes:

  • your name, date of birth and gender
  • address and phone number
  • current medication and any known allergies

Your detailed medical notes are not included in this record.

It can only be accessed with your explicit consent each time you are being treated by the GP Out of Hours, Emergency Department or Hospital Pharmacy.

Only the health service staff involved in your treatment will have access to the record. Access to this information will allow the doctor or nurse treating you to give you the best possible care.

In exceptional circumstances where you are seriously ill and unable to give informed consent, the doctor treating you in the Emergency Department has the discretion to access your record to ensure your safe treatment.

If you do not want your medical information to be made available to GP Out of Hours, Emergency Departments and Hospital Pharmacy, please complete the opt out form and inform your GP practice.

For further information on the project Tel: 028 90542566.

Email: or log on to


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